What We Do

Imagine – Develop – Implement

We build software for the Energy Industry

Our background in Oil and Gas provides us a unique insight into the industry’s critical needs and challenges. With our passion for developing functional and intuitive software, we can match the best of both worlds to create unique and practical solutions for the industry. Every solution you use from dipoleDIGITAL will impact your bottom line tangibly and transparently.

As of now, we’ve developed around eight projects in the last 12 years, with substantial impacts in the industry, improving performance in production processes, job monitoring, training programs, and production planning.


Since our beginnings in the Oil and Gas industry, we have imagined better ways to do things: faster, safer, and with greater throughput in productivity. We think in every detail required to make things better and draw a plan to develop them.


As soon as every requirement and step is on paper, we start the development process: constantly focusing on the latest and most efficient technologies and materials to bring to life our aims.


We test our developments in the field, always focusing on measuring impacts on our improvement hypothesis. Once we refine the implementation and confirm it as a real improvement to operations and business economics, we perform a general deployment to the field.

Our Services

Pump-down perforation job integration

Get precision and seamless teamwork during the perforation job. Pump-down and wireline crews in full alignment for every stage.

Cohesive wellsite team

Plug-and-Play solution

View operations anywhere

Prevention of operational errors

Paperwork reduction

Internal planning, execution and reduction

Our Services

Full monitoring for well completions on the cloud

Centralize wellsite management and track every detail happening in the wellsite live.

Team performance tracking

Plan process monitoring

All wellsites in one site

Stages monitoring

Wirelogging in detail

Productive time tracking